An energy partner you can trust


Using technology to reimagine your electricity service

Our mission at Minum is to offer a simpler, cheaper, and better way for you to power your home and business.

Our industry is not known for low costs and great customer service. The utility is focused on the power grid, not on you. We believe all consumers deserve an energy service designed for them. Our customized plans are tailored to your needs, and our intelligent, AI-driven platform works as your energy partner, evaluating your needs and using the latest technology to provide an optimal solution and generating savings for you. At Minum, we deliver a better service at a lower cost, without commitment or complicated contracts.

An energy partnership, not just another service

What if you could replace your electric utility and bill with a digital subscription that works for you?
What if you could take advantage of renewables and new technology to lower your monthly bill. With Minum, you get an energy partner that does just that. Our plans are designed to save you money and time so that you can focus on what matters. You shouldn't need to become an energy expert to benefit from new technology. Our experts do that hard work for you to guarantee you save money!
At Minum, we all had a traditional electric service and bill. We know what doesn’t work for consumers, and we offer plans to improve your experience and reduce your bill.
We believe in our expertise and solutions, so we offer simple contracts with guaranteed savings that we’re confident we can achieve for your home or business.
Our plans only work if we can save you money – that’s the basis for our energy partnership. We provide transparent and useful insights on your consumption and bill, with easy access through our portal.

We’re expanding and plan to offer national coverage

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Our community solar projects supplying cheaper, renewable energy to our clients


Estimated annual savings of our clients with a Minum plan


Annual CO2 emissions reduction


Eligible consumers
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Where we operate

Coming soon

Where we’re launching

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Leadership Team

Mohammad El Beitam
Co founder
Mohammad El Beitam
Co founder
Mohammad has a background in infrastructure assets development and financial advisory. He previously worked at Macquarie and Deloitte with focus on renewables and energy sectors. Mohammad has over 18 years of experience in projects development
Thomas Zuzelo
Co founder
Thomas Zuzelo
Co founder
Thomas has a background in financial advisory, investments and asset management with a particular focus on renewables and the energy transition. He previously worked at Macquarie where he focused on Latin American energy markets and opportunities.
Rubens Brandt
Advisory board member
Rubens Brandt
Advisory board member
Rubens is the founding partner and CEO of Grupo Energia, which is a leading renewable engineering firm in Brazil. He brings more than 25 years of experience in the energy sector in Brazil and internationally.
Alan James
Advisory board member
Alan James
Advisory board member
Alan is the founder and CEO of Mill Creek Infrastructure Partners. Alan has More than 30 years transactional, investment and governance experience in the energy infrastructure sector in North and South America, Australasia, and U.K./Europe.
Wissam Moukahal
Advisory board member
Wissam Moukahal
Advisory board member
Wissam is a senior financial executive and strategic leader with a 30 years career in financial advisory and professional services. Wissam previously worked at Macquarie, Deloitte, and Bank of Sharjah.
Fawad Tariq-Khan
Advisory board member
Fawad Tariq-Khan
Advisory board member
Fawad is the founder and CEO of Exnite. He previously served as Group CEO of SHUAA Group - a publicly listed investment banking platform based in UAE and currently serves on the boards of public and private companies globally.

An energy partner you can trust with a plan designed just for you, lowering your bill and adapting to your changing needs.

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November 19, 2024
Gestão de Energia em Empresas: o que é e como fazer?
November 19, 2024
Gestão de Energia em Empresas: o que é e como fazer?
A gestão de energia em empresas começa com a avaliação do consumo energético e a definição de metas SMART. Adotar tecnologias de monitoramento e automação, utilizar fontes de energia renovável e capacitar a equipe são passos essenciais. Estabelecer indicadores de desempenho e realizar auditorias periódicas são igualmente importantes. 
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November 19, 2024
Eficiência energética: Quais são as vantagens de se investir?
November 19, 2024
Eficiência energética: Quais são as vantagens de se investir?
A eficiência energética envolve o uso otimizado da energia para fornecer os mesmos produtos e serviços com menor consumo de recursos. Este conceito abrange uma série de tecnologias e métodos que são mais eficientes do que os sistemas convencionais. A implementação de medidas de eficiência energética pode reduzir significativamente a demanda global de energia, trazendo benefícios econômic...
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November 19, 2024
Conheça a Fazenda Solar da Minum em Abaetetuba
November 19, 2024
Conheça a Fazenda Solar da Minum em Abaetetuba
A Minum está prestes a inaugurar sua fazenda solar em Abaetetuba, Pará. Através dessas plantas solares, pequenas e médias empresas poderão economizar na conta de luz sem nenhum investimento ou taxa de adesão, nem a necessidade de aquisição de placas solares.
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Talk to our experts!

Have a question about your energy or a Minum energy plan? Our experts are waiting to answer your questions and help design the right solution for your needs.
Let’s talk!